United States Veterans Initiative

U.S.VETS pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices to the vet­er­ans we serve, includ­ing case man­age­ment, employ­ment assis­tance, job place­ment, coun­sel­ing, as well as drug and alco­hol free hous­ing.  At our facil­i­ties vet­er­ans progress through a seam­less con­tin­uum of ser­vices designed to help them increase their level of respon­si­bil­ity and pre­pare them to live inde­pen­dently in the community.

We coor­di­nate our ser­vices with the med­ical and men­tal health ser­vices pro­vided by the U.S. Depart­ment of Vet­eran Affairs, the Employ­ment Devel­op­ment Depart­ment; local busi­nesses to employ vet­er­ans; and a wide vari­ety of ser­vice agen­cies and com­mu­nity partners.

We strive to empower each vet­eran to take respon­si­bil­ity for his or her suc­cess, ele­vate each veteran’s sense of psy­cho­log­i­cal well-being and self-esteem, guide each vet­eran on the path toward inde­pen­dence in the com­mu­nity, develop and pro­mote each veteran’s work­force skills, and sup­port the recov­er­ing vet­eran by main­tain­ing a drug and alco­hol free environment. Why Help Veterans? Cur­rently in the United States there are over 23 mil­lion vet­er­ans. A num­ber that will con­tinue to grow with our mil­i­tary involve­ment over­seas in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of these, about 130,000 vet­er­ans are home­less with an addi­tional 1.5 mil­lion vets con­sid­ered to be at risk of becom­ing home­less due to poverty, lack of sup­port, poor liv­ing con­di­tions and men­tal trauma — bet­ter known as PTSD. Nearly 13,000 of these at-risk vets are women.

These strug­gling vet­er­ans are our sons and daugh­ters, our moth­ers and fathers and our broth­ers and sis­ters. All of them served our coun­try. And we all share both the pride and prob­lems of our mil­i­tary ser­vice­men and women. At U.S.VETS we believe we have an oblig­a­tion to help pro­tect and serve those have served and pro­tected us. The num­ber of vet­er­ans who need assis­tance is grow­ing. Most dra­mat­i­cally, and most trou­bling, is data from the Vet­er­ans Admin­is­tra­tion stat­ing that about 30 vet­er­ans a day attempt sui­cide and eigh­teen suc­ceed. In 2009 alone, more vet­er­ans took their own lives than were killed in the Iraq or Afghanistan wars combined. This is why we are com­mit­ted to help­ing vet­er­ans. 

Veterans Seeking HousingService Center713.229.8122

Veterans Seeking Employment AssistanceKory Owens713.797.2914kowens@usvetsinc.org

Veterans Seeking Other ServicesService Center713.229.8122

Volunteer OpportunitiesJennifer Austin832.390.3439jaustin@usvetsinc.org

In-Kind of Goods DonationsOscar Gonzalez832.390.3562ogonzalez@usvetsinc.org

U.S.VETS is the nation’s largest nonprofit provider of comprehensive services to homeless and at-risk veterans.

With 11 facilities in six states and the District of Columbia, U.S.VETS provides vital services such as:

CounselingJob placementCase managementEmployment assistanceDrug and alcohol-free housing

Our Mission

The successful transition of military veterans and their families through the provision of housing, counseling, career development and comprehensive support.

Facts at a Glance

We provide services to over 2,000 veterans a day.Each year, we help 3,000 veterans a year find housing.We connect over 1,000 veterans a year with full-time employment.

Who We Serve

These struggling veterans represent sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. Each have served our country.

We share both the pride and problems of this nation’s military servicemen and women and believe we have an obligation to help protect and serve those who have served and protected us.

Because of this, we are committed to helping veterans in need.

Homeless Veterans

Estimates from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs have shown a significant decrease in homelessness among veterans. While this reduction is promising, the needs of veterans struggling with homelessness, unemployment, and other barriers to reintegration still exist.

Of the veterans living in America today, 63,000 are chronically homeless. Although they represent a relatively small percentage of the general population, veterans make up nearly 20 percent of the homeless population.

Growing Need for Support

There is a growing generation of veterans with new challenges to face. In the past 10 years, two million troops have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. As they return home, many will experience challenges adjusting back to civilian life.

Roughly 300,000 returning troops currently suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression and anxiety. Additionally, over 320,000 individuals have suffered a probable traumatic brain injury during deployment.

The need for support for our nation’s veterans will only continue to increase. Learn how you can help.


The Midtown location is the main hub for our programs, supplemented by a service center located at the Historic DeGeorge at Union Station.  The Fannin Street location provides supportive services. The Museum District office houses our administrative staff. In addition, U.S.VETS – Houston employs a full-time driver to shuttle veterans in between our locations, the VA and the Salvation Army.






Career Phase:
  • Veterans
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Housing - Homeless Specific
  • MH - Substance Abuse and Therapy
  • Transport- Local
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus:
  • Homeless